Pre-learning activity

Question 1

How would you rate your familiarity with genetic testing for patients with ovarian and/or breast cancer?

Question 2

How confident are you in identifying patients with ovarian and/or breast cancer who may benefit from genetic testing?

Question 3

Are you aware that Medicare funding is available for physicians to order genetic testing of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in eligible patients with high-grade, non-mucinous ovarian cancer?

Question 4

Are you aware that Medicare funding is available for physicians to order genetic testing of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in eligible patients with breast cancer?

Question 5

How often do you currently refer high-risk patients to a family cancer centre or genetics service for BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic testing?

Question 6

How would you rate your familiarity with mainstream genetic testing for genetic mutations in patients with ovarian and/or breast cancer?

Question 7

Are you familiar with how and who to contact at your local family cancer centre or genetics service?

Question 8

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: ‘I have the necessary time to discuss genetic testing with patients who have ovarian and/or breast cancer.’

Question 9

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: ‘I have the necessary knowledge to discuss genetic testing with patients who have ovarian and/or breast cancer.’

Question 10

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: ‘I feel ready to address/respond to patients’ questions and reactions to the offer of genetic testing and/or a genetic test result.’

Question 11

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: ‘I understand under what circumstances I can/should contact the family cancer centre or genetics service during mainstream genetic testing for my patient with ovarian/breast cancer.’

Question 12

Please indicate if you have previously completed training about mainstream genetic testing from any of the following sources. (Select all that apply)

Face-to-face training provided by my local family cancer centre/genetics service
Mainstream genetic testing workshop (at COSA ASM in 2016)
Mainstream genetic testing training video (at COSA ASM in 2017, or other video source)
One-on-one training/mentoring with an experienced oncology team member professional or genetics team member
Other source of formal training
I have NOT previously undertaken any formal training about mainstream genetic testing