Registration for Alexion medical education event
Date: Wednesday 12 March 2025
Time: 7:30-9:30pm AEDT* (arrival from 7:00pm AEDT)
(*Please check local time zone for times outside of Sydney/Melbourne)
Venue: Hybrid event – in-person events in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane (venues TBC); online participation for participants from other states or unable to attend in-person event
aHUS: atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome; APS: antiphospholipid syndrome; HELLP (syndrome): haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets; SLE: Systemic lupus erythematosus; TMA, thrombotic microangiopathy.
This educational event, organised by Alexion, is intended for health professionals only. Alexion medicines in the context of aHUS management will be discussed. All content is developed by the presenters for the meeting in collaboration with Alexion. Alexion has reviewed the materials for scientific accuracy, fair balance and for regulatory compliance purposes. Attendees are responsible for obtaining approval to receive and/or disclose hospitality as required by their employer or professional association. Alexion does not subsidise or pay for the hospitality, of those associated with delegates attending events. Alexion reserves the right to decline access to participants who are not involved in the management of patients who are on Alexion therapies. All attendance at Alexion-sponsored events is documented.
As a member of Medicines Australia, Alexion has undertaken to be open and transparent when we provide a reportable payment of transfer of value to a healthcare professional. For example, reportable payments include provisions of consultant services, airfares, accommodation and registration fees. Alexion prepares transfer of value reports regularly and Healthcare Professionals who receive transfer of value, agree to full disclosure within the Medicines Australia reporting guidelines. This information is held in a database, administered by Medicines Australia. This database is designed to be searchable as well as downloaded as a CSV file. For further information about the details in the report, or to search the database, please visit
Please be aware this meeting will be recorded.
#The Survey is conducted by Alexion. The purpose of collecting, storing, using and analysing information relating to you is to survey the current understanding of the management of aHUS. The aggregated results will be compared to the post event results from a similar survey, and analysed to demonstrate the value of the educational event, and to identify educational needs for future activities. The information you provide will be used only for the purpose described above, unless otherwise agreed in writing with you. For your participation to this survey, we collect and use the following personal data: state, profession, specialty, and answers to the survey questions.
Alexion recognises the importance of protecting the privacy of personal information it collects and respects your rights to privacy under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). If you require further information about how Alexion collects, uses, shares and protects information please see the full Privacy Notice at If you would like to withdraw your consent for inclusion on Alexion mailings, or would like to access your personal information, please email the Privacy Officer at
© 2025. All rights reserved. Alexion Pharmaceuticals Australia Pty Ltd. ACN 132 343 036. 66 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 Australia. January 2025. AU/ULT-a/0064.